
How it began

The experience left me confused...with a heavy heart. While I took pride and pleasure in sharing my country with the visitors, I was saddened by all they missed in their pursuit of the beast. There is so much more to Mongolia! That day, my dream was born—my dream of creating a com...
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Erdenezuu, Kharhorin city
Central Mongolia
, Central Mongolia
Central Mongolia
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Visit a nomad family

Mongolia is one of the few nomad countries in the world. Since the Hunnu Empire Mongolians raising their five domestic animals (it is including sheep, horse, cow, camel, and goat) in the broad region of forest, steppe and Gobi desert. Especially they respect their horses. Mongolians see their horses is their best friend.

Mongolian nomadic people move into place to place 2-4 times a year as well as it is depending on livestock's pasture.

Mongolian nomad people always following their livestock. Because livestock knows where is the best pasture? Herders live in Mongolian traditional dwelling (covered felt) Ger.

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The Last Unexplored Travel Destination
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